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HubBucket Heliophysics Research Division

HubBucket Inc | Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

HubBucket Heliophysics
HubBucket Heliophysics
HubBucket Heliophysics

The HubBucket Heliophysics Scientific Research Division ("HubBucket Heliophysics") of HubBucket Inc ("HubBucket") studies the nature of the Sun, and how it influences the very nature of space – and, in turn, the atmospheres of planets and the technology that exists there. Space is not, as is often believed, completely empty; instead, we live in the extended atmosphere of an active star. Our Sun sends out a steady outpouring of particles and energy – the solar wind – as well as a constantly writhing magnetic system. This extensive, dynamic solar atmosphere surrounds the Sun, Earth, the planets, and extends far out into the solar system.

Studying this system not only helps us understand fundamental information about how the universe works, but also helps protect our technology and astronauts in space. The HubBucket Heliophysics Scientific Research Division ("HubBucket Heliophysics") seeks knowledge of near-Earth space, because – when extreme – space weather can interfere with our communications, satellites and power grids. The study of the Sun and space can also teach us more about how stars contribute to the habitability of planets throughout the universe.

HubBucket Heliophysics
HubBucket Heliophysics

What is Heliophysics?

Heliophysics is the integrated study of the Sun, its Planets, and Space Environment as a Dynamic System. It focuses on the Sun's Turbulent Magnetic Activity and its effects on the Upper Atmosphere of Earth, as well as on other Solar System Planets and the surrounding Heliosphere.

It encompasses many areas of inquiry: Cosmic Rays and Particle Acceleration, Space Weather and Radiation, Dust and Magnetic Reconnection, Solar Activity and Stellar Cycles, Aeronomy and Space Plasmas, Magnetic Fields and Global Change, and the interactions of the Solar System with our Milky Way Galaxy.

Heliophysics is broader than Solar Physics, that studies the Sun itself, including its Interior, Atmosphere, and Magnetic Fields. It concentrates on the Sun's effects on Earth and other bodies within the Solar System, as well as the changing conditions in space. It is primarily concerned with the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, and upper atmosphere of the Earth and other planets. Heliophysics combines the science of the Sun, Corona, Heliosphere and Geospace, and encompasses a wide variety of Astronomical Phenomena, including "Cosmic Rays and Particle Acceleration, Space Weather and Radiation, Dust and Magnetic Reconnection, Nuclear Energy Generation and Internal Solar Dynamics, Solar Activity and Stellar Magnetic Fields, Aeronomy and Space Plasmas, Magnetic Fields and Global Change", and the interactions of the Solar System with the Milky Way Galaxy.